Think Tanks

Think Tanks are funded non-profit corporations and organizations that are consulted to prepare analytical reports, multi-medium and forums on topics of national, international and global trends in politics, economics and other issues.

Some of the leading think tanks on global studies and globalization are listed below:

1. Yale Global Online (part of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization
This is a mainstream research organization that is sponsored by Yale University. 
It is largely in favor of globalization and defends the main principles of freer trade, etc. 

2. Chatham House (A mainstream British think tank) 
It suits the mainstream policies of promoting financial globalization and international relations.  

3. Fernand Braudel Center (A research center at Binghamton University founded by Immanuel Wallerstein)
Scholars here will take a more critical view of the effects of the world system and globalization.

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