Week 14: Final Exam Preparation

For the final exam review these practice essay questions to help you in writing out answers to key issues and challenges of a globalized economy and world.  In particular how do the UAE and other GCC countries adopt globalized forms of economy, society and culture?  You should also review the Key Vocabulary and prepared to write a descriptive definition in complete sentences. Here you may review the key concepts used in  this course.  You may review the 50 or so key words by clicking and using this Quizlet application


The Environment:  Watch or read these links on the recent global agreement on the environment, the Paris Agreement:
Then write a summary of the five key points that the agreement provides: 
Greater Consciousness or Awareness of Environmental Globalization -- how are we in the UAE are more involved in this?
Improvements in transportation and its effect on economic globalization  - give an example of how the UAE has benefited or been affected ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Adaptation of global brands to local markets ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Culture Wars or Multiculturalism which are we finding more of with globalization?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

As we come into contact and live with peoples from around the globe, are  we more  tolerant and understanding of others or are we more alienated or becoming more separated? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In what ways may the UAE be seen as global and international in scope – give 3 examples and explain whether these examples will continue to grow or not.
1.       ___________________________________________________________________
2.       ___________________________________________________________________
3.       _________________________________________________________________ __

1.       Write a definition of modernization.  What are its main features or characteristics?  How does it relate to globalization?
2.        What is the most pressing or most important issue, challenge or problem confronting the world today?  How does globalization reflect or become a part of the solution or cause of the problem or issue you chose?
3.        Some people say we are becoming global citizens?  They think that  national identities or citizenship are becoming less important.  Write a short answer essay that agrees with or disagrees with this idea.

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