Weeks 5-6 The International Refugee Crisis

In preparing for our debates and exams one of the key topics of concern is the current Refugee Crisis.  Review the websites below and consider how international and regional associations respond to the refugee crisis caused by civil wars in Syria and other civil and economic crises in nearby countries. 

This Map Shows How Large Europe's Refugee Crisis Really Is - click on this link
  • The map here shows the flow of asylum seekers to European countries over time.
    Each moving point on the map represents 25 people. That corresponds to approximately one busload with every other seat taken.
    Hover over countries to show details. Click on a country to lock the selection.
    The line chart displays the total rate of asylum seekers over time. Hover over the chart to move the map in time.

Syrian Refugees and the UNHCR

This week take a look at this website from the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) on the status of Syrian Refugees and Migrants fleeing the civil war in Syria.    How does this website inform of us the nature of the Syrian refugee crisis as a regional and international crisis?  In what ways is part of a growing global problem of forced migration and refugees?
When you are done reviewing this website answer the following question in the associated test.  

Interactive Migration Map

These interactive maps allows you to look at individual countries and see where immigration into a country originates from and where emigration out of a country goes.  Click on the UAE and find where Emiratis emigrate to.
1.  Migrations Map http://migrationsmap.net/#/ARE/arrivals
2.  International Organization for Migrants

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